August 5, 2020

BRAND BACKSTAGE Ep. 6: Building a Business is Hard, Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Building a business is hard to start.  Building a business is hard to grow. Building a business is hard online.  Building a business is hard. PERIOD.  

There are enough obstacles, hurdles, slips, flips, falls and failures when starting a business as it is. However, when you start comparing your to others, then it can get real ugly. When we begin to seeing others successes as our own downfalls we're starting down a slippery slope. We cannot compare ourselves to others unless we are appreciating their craft and properly analyzing their model, moves and journey for our gain. If we look at their speed, progress, clarity and growth, among other things, and compare them to our current struggles then we're trekking through mud or walking on thin ice.

In this video, I share how you can stop comparing yourself to other entrepreneurs, coaches, experts, consultants and anyone else, so you can stay focused and lead your business to the places you ultimately want to go.

If you enjoyed this episode of Brand Backstage, check out our blog to explore all our other episodes on brand building & entrepreneurship.

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